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Showing posts from July 29, 2012

the storm of life (Cook)

"We may not avoid every storm of life, but following the counsel of living prophets will help us ride out the storm." —Quentin L. Cook, " Members in Isolated City Radiate "Goodness, Dedication, Faith, and Love" ",  Church News and Events , 6/26/2012

repentance can heal what hurts, no matter what it is (Packer)

"If the adversary should take you prisoner due to misconduct, I remind you that you hold the key that will unlock the prison door from the inside. You can be washed clean through the atoning sacrifice of the Savior Jesus Christ. You may in time of trouble think that you are not worth saving because you have made mistakes, big or little, and you think you are now lost. That is never true! Only repentance can heal what hurts. But repentance can heal what hurts, no matter what it is." —Boyd K. Packer, " Counsel to Youth ",  Liahona and Ensign , November 2011

Theological Illiterates (Hanks)

No one knows anything about Christ’s work simply by being born a member of the Church, and often he knows little about it after years of unmotivated exposure in meetings or classes. He must learn. And learning involves self-investment and effort. The Gospel should be studied ‘as carefully as any science.’ The ‘literature of the Church’ must be ‘acquired and read.’ Our learning should be increased in our spare time ‘day by day.’ Then as we put the gospel truth to work in daily life, we will never find it wanting. We will be literate in the most important field of knowledge in the universe, knowledge for lack of which men and nations perish, in the light of which men and nations may be saved. —Elder Marion D. Hanks, First Council of the Seventy, “Theological Illiterates”,  Improvement Era  (September 1969): 42

work of God vs. work of men (Wilford Woodruff)

There is a marked difference between the work of God and the work of men or the work of the Devil, and that difference is manifest in the establishment of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. There is one characteristic connected with the work of God that has been manifested in its establishment in these last days, as in all former periods, and that is, that whenever the Lord has attempted to establish his Church and kingdom upon the earth, he always makes use of instruments whose peculiar circumstances in life will naturally lead them to acknowledge the hand of God in all that is manifested unto them. You have the example of all the Prophets from the days of Adam; and as far as we have any knowledge of them, they were nearly all men of low degree and of humble birth; and the Lord has ever given them his Spirit to enlighten their minds, and to qualify them for the work assigned them. Men of this character have stepped forth and obeyed the Lord in various ages of the world...

we were not sent here to fail (Maxwell)

When in situations of stress we wonder if there is any more in us to give, we can be comforted to know that God, who knows our capacity perfectly, placed us here to succeed. No one was foreordained to fail or to be wicked. When we have been weighed and found wanting, let us remember that we were measured before and we were found equal to our tasks; and, therefore, let us continue, but with a more determined discipleship. When we feel overwhelmed, let us recall the assurance that God will not overprogram us; he will not press upon us more than we can bear (D&C 50:40). Neal A. Maxwell, BYU Speeches of the Year 1978, p. 156

learn to ask (Scott)

“One of the great lessons that each of us needs to learn is to ask,” Elder Richard G. Scott of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles says. “Why does the Lord want us to pray to Him and to ask? Because that is how revelation is received.” Elder Scott testifies, “The scriptures give eloquent confirmation of how truth, consistently lived, opens the door to inspiration to know what to do and, where needed, to have personal capacities enhanced by divine power. The scriptures depict how an individual’s capacity to conquer difficulty, doubt, and seemingly insurmountable challenges is strengthened by the Lord in time of need. As you ponder such examples, there will come a quiet confirmation through the Holy Spirit that their experiences are true. You will come to know that similar help is available to you.” And he notes that “I have seen individuals encountering challenges who knew what to do when it was beyond their own experience because they trusted in the Lord and knew that He would guid...

dependent upon God; walk by faith; God delights to bless us (Daniel H. Wells)

Let us do these things, and remain prayerful and humble before the Lord, and see if he will not pour out a blessing greater than we have ever yet enjoyed. But when the blessing comes, there is the danger. Let us remember that we are always dependent on the great God, the giver of all good. Do the world realize this? He will make this people know it, and make them understand that they are, whether he does the world or not. If the past will not suffice, we shall be chastened until we do understand that we are dependent on Him, and that we have to walk by faith. Can we walk by faith? He is trying some of us, I think. Do you feel afraid that you will not have plenty to eat? I never do. I recollect a circumstance that took place with myself in 1849. I was living in a family of twelve persons, and we were out of provisions. A neighbour, whose family was sick, informed me that he had not anything in the house to eat. I told him to call and I would give him some flour. I went out to get som...

concerning the widow's mite and our own personal offerings (Talmage)

In the accounts kept by recording angels, figured according to the arithmetic of Heaven, entries are made in terms of quality rather than quantity, and values are determined on the basis of capability and intent.  The rich [ in the story of the widow's mite, see Mark 12:41-44 ] gave much yet kept back more; the widow's gift was her all.  It was not the smallness of her offering that made it especially acceptable, but the spirit of sacrifice and devout intent with which she gave.  On the books of heavenly accountants, that widow's contribution was entered as a munificent gift, surpassing in worth the largess of kings. James E. Talmage, Jesus The Christ pp. 561-62

Prayer (Talmage)

It is well to know that prayer is not compound of words, words that may fail to express what one desires to say, words that so often cloak inconsistencies, words that may have no deeper source that the physical organs of speech, words that may be spoken to impress mortal ears.  The dumb may pray, and that too with the eloquence that prevails in Heaven.  Prayer is made up of heart throbs and the righteous yearnings of the soul, of supplication based on the realization of need, of contrition and pure desire.  If there lives a man who has never really prayed, that man is a being apart from the order of divine human nature, a stranger in the family of God's children.  Prayer is for the uplifting of the suppliant.  God without our prayers would be God; but we without prayer cannot be admitted to the Kingdom of God. James E. Talmage, Jesus the Christ , p. 238