“The Lord can't reveal to you and I [what] we can't understand;…for instance when Joseph first received revelation, The Lord could not tell him what he was going to do. He didn't tell him he was going to call him to be a prophet, seer, revelator, high priest and founder of [the] Kingdom of God on the earth. Joseph would have said… ‘just what does that mean? You are talking that I can't understand.’ He could merely revealed to him that the Lord is pleased to bless him and forgive his sins and there was a work for him to do on the earth…
The first time He sent [an]
angel to visit him, he could lead his mind a little further. He could reveal to
him that there were certain records deposited on in the earth to be brought
forth for the benefit of [the] inhabitants of the earth. He could reveal after
this that Joseph could get them; then he could reveal that he should have power
to translate the records from the language and characters in which it was
written and give it to the people in the English language, but this was not
taught him first…
After this he could tell
him that he could receive the high priest had organized the church and so on. This
is the way the Lord has to instruct all people on the earth. I make mention of
this to show you that…the Lord can't teach all things to people at once. He
gives [a] little here and a little there, revelation upon revelation upon
revelation, a precept today, tomorrow another, the next day another. If
the people make good use of it and improve upon what the Lord gives them he is
ready to bestow more.”
Brigham Young, Discourse 25 March 1855, Papers of George D.
Watt, MS 4534, box 3, disk 1 images 142-53, transcribed by LaJean Purcell
Carruth)(emphasis added)
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