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Showing posts with the label Divine Design

Our Creator's Cosmos (Maxwell)

Here is a link to the transcript and pictures from a talk given by Elder Maxwell in August, 2002. Absolutely amazing stuff!!

The Lord of the Universe (Maxwell)

...At Christmastime...we celebrate a special star that announced Jesus' birth at Bethlehem. Thus, the so-called "little star of Bethlehem" was actually very large in its declaration of divine design! It had to have been placed in its precise orbit long, long before it shone so precisely! Persuasive divine design is underscored in what the Lord has said: "All things must come to pass in their time" (D&C 64:32). His overseeing precision pertains not only to astrophysical orbits but to human orbits as well. This is such a stunning thing for us to contemplate as to our obligations to "shine as lights" within our own orbits and personal responsibilities! (See Philippians 2:15.) In Jesus there is a unique blend of both meekness and majesty. Though the Lord of the Universe, Christ was meekly willing to live in this world, which he created under the Father's direction. In Paul's words, he agreed to reside on earth as a person of no reputation (see ...

Our Creator's Cosmos (Maxwell) we look at the universe, we do not see unexplained chaos or cosmic churn. Instead, the faithful see God “moving in His majesty and power” (D&C 88:47). It is like viewing a divinely choreographed, cosmic ballet—spectacular, subduing, and reassuring! Even so, in the midst of our feeling overcome by the wonder and awe, the “cares of the world” can overcome us (see D&C 39:9). Humdrum routineness and repetition can cause us to look indifferently downward instead of reverently upward and outward. We can become estranged from the Creator, who then seems like a far, distant star: “For how knoweth a man the master whom he has not served, and who is a stranger unto him, and is far from the thoughts and intents of his heart?” (Mosiah 5:13). We know the Creator of the universe is also the Author of the plan of happiness. We can trust Him. He knows perfectly what brings happiness to His children (see Mosiah 2:41; Alma 41:10). some experience daily life situations in which...

the hand of God will be over us for our good (Wilford Woodruff)

If we will do our duty and listen to those that are set to lead us, we shall find that the hand of God will be over us for our good, and it will be against those that are planning for our destruction; and God will strengthen and uphold this people until the day comes for the kingdom of God to spread itself abroad, and until the law of God is issued forth from Zion. We shall find that this will be the case; and inasmuch as we have these privileges and this faith, as Saints of the Most High, we should prize them and lay hold of them with one united heart, and not consider that the battle is to the strong or the race to the swift; for the Lord holds the destinies of all, and we are in his hands. Wilford Woodruff, Journal of Discourses 6:141

If there be a design in this universe...there must be a Designer (Senator Everett Dirksen)

Senator Everett Dirksen, shortly before his death, responded impressively to Job’s question in these words: “What mortal being, standing on the threshold of infinity, has not pondered what lies beyond the veil which separates the seen from the unseen? “What mortal being, responding to that mystical instinct that earthly dissolution is at hand, has not contemplated what lies beyond the grave? “What mortal being, upon whom has descended that strange and serene resignation that life’s journey is about at an end, has not thought about that eternal destination and what might be there? “Centuries ago the man Job, so long blessed with every material blessing, only to find himself sorely afflicted by all that can befall a human being, sat with his companions and uttered the timeless, ageless question, ‘If a man die, shall he live again?’ In the Easter Season, when all Christendom observes the Resurrection and seeks answers to many questions, there in the forefront is the question raise...

we were not sent here to fail (Maxwell)

When in situations of stress we wonder if there is any more in us to give, we can be comforted to know that God, who knows our capacity perfectly, placed us here to succeed. No one was foreordained to fail or to be wicked. When we have been weighed and found wanting, let us remember that we were measured before and we were found equal to our tasks; and, therefore, let us continue, but with a more determined discipleship. When we feel overwhelmed, let us recall the assurance that God will not overprogram us; he will not press upon us more than we can bear (D&C 50:40). Neal A. Maxwell, BYU Speeches of the Year 1978, p. 156

dependent upon God; walk by faith; God delights to bless us (Daniel H. Wells)

Let us do these things, and remain prayerful and humble before the Lord, and see if he will not pour out a blessing greater than we have ever yet enjoyed. But when the blessing comes, there is the danger. Let us remember that we are always dependent on the great God, the giver of all good. Do the world realize this? He will make this people know it, and make them understand that they are, whether he does the world or not. If the past will not suffice, we shall be chastened until we do understand that we are dependent on Him, and that we have to walk by faith. Can we walk by faith? He is trying some of us, I think. Do you feel afraid that you will not have plenty to eat? I never do. I recollect a circumstance that took place with myself in 1849. I was living in a family of twelve persons, and we were out of provisions. A neighbour, whose family was sick, informed me that he had not anything in the house to eat. I told him to call and I would give him some flour. I went out to get som...

irony, that hard crust on the bread of adversity (Maxwell)

Periodically, we too will experience a measure of irony, that hard crust on the bread of adversity. Jesus met irony constantly as He was taunted by circumstances. For instance, this earth is Jesus’ footstool, but at Bethlehem there was “no room … in the inn” and “no crib for his bed,” as “foxes have holes, and birds of the air have nests; but the Son of man hath not where to lay his head” ( Luke 2:7 ;  Hymns,  no. 206;  Luke 9:58 ; see also  Acts 7:49–50 ). The Most Innocent suffered the most when some of His subjects did unto Him “as they listed” ( D&C 49:6 ). Bearer of the only salvational name, yet the Lord of the Universe lived modestly as a person “of no reputation” ( Philip. 2:7 ; see also  Acts 4:12 ; 2 Ne. 25:20 ;  Abr. 3:27 ).  Christ  “constructed” the universe, yet in little Galilee He was known merely as “the carpenter’s son” ( Matt. 13:55 ). You and I, when impacted by lesser irony, are so much more brittle, often forgetting t...

God will set bounds to fulfill His promises

Whatever tumults occur, we can know that God will set bounds to fulfill His promises. He, not just men, has the ultimate control of nations and of events to allow His purposes to be fulfilled. Among every people and every nation there will be raised up those who serve with absolute assurance that they are children of God and who have become purified disciples of the resurrected Christ in His Church. A few years ago I spoke to the missionaries in the training center in Japan. I promised them then that a great day would dawn in that nation. I said that there would be a great increase in the members speaking eagerly to those they met of their testimony of the restored gospel. My thought then was that the courage to speak would come from an increased admiration for the Church in that land. I know now that the great miracle, a mighty change, will come inside the members, not in the world around them. President Henry B. Eyring, April 2003 General Conference READ ENTIRE TALK

Opportunities for learning and service

There is not a single condition of life...and not one hour’s experience, but what is beneficial to all those who make it their study and aim to improve upon the experience they gain. Brigham Young I hope we realize, brothers and sisters, that we may fritter away the time, but it is always drenched with more opportunities for service and learning than we use. Elder Maxwell


Since life is such a brief experience, there must be regular exit routes.   Some easy.   Some hard.   Some sudden.   Others lingering.   Therefore, we cannot presume, even by faith, to block all exits, all the time, and for all people.   Nor, if possessed of full, eternal perspective, would we desire so to do. Neal A. Maxwell, Ensign, May 1982, p.22 At funerals our tears are genuine, but not because of termination—rather because of interruption.   Though just as wet, our tears are not of despair, but are of appreciation and anticipation.   Yes, for disciples, the closing of the grave is but the closing of a door which will later be flung open with rejoicing.   Neal A. Maxwell, “All Hell Is Moved” p. 181 As we wait with those who are dying we brush against the veil, as goodbyes and greetings are said almost within earshot of each other. Neal A. Maxwell, “Patience” p. 219 On the other side of the veil, there are perhaps seventy bill...

Men are eternal beings

“Associated as we are with the kingdom of God, we may reasonably expect, so long as we do our duty before the Lord, to have continual developments of light, truth, and intelligence, that emanate from the great God, for the guidance, direction, salvation, and exaltation of this people, whether it relates to time, or to eternity; for everything we have to do with is eternal; and when we speak of time and eternity, they are only relative terms which we attach to things that are present, and things that are to come, and things that are past. But in relation to ourselves as individuals, we are eternal beings, although we occupy a certain space of eternity called time; in relation to the Gospel we preach, it is eternal; in relation to the Priesthood, it is eternal; in relation to our covenants and obligations, they are eternal; in relation to our promises, prospects, and hopes, they are eternal. And while we are acting upon this stage of being, we are merely commencing a state of things t...

The tapestry of our lives

My life is but a weaving                 between God and me. I let Him chose the colors,                He worketh steadily. Oftimes He worketh sorrow                and I within my heart Forget He sees the pattern,                while I only part. The dark threads are as needful                in the weaver’s skillful hand As the threads of gold and silver                in the patter He has planned. Not till the loom is silent                and the shuttles cease to fly, ...