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...the gates of hell shall not prevail against you (Harold B. Lee)

 You may not like what comes from the authority of the Church.  It may contradict your political views.  It may contradict your social views.  It may interfere with some of your social life.  But if you listen to these things, as if from the mouth of the Lord himself, with patience and faith, the promise is that ‘the gates of hell shall not prevail against you; yeah, and the Lord God will disperse the powers of darkness from before you, and cause the heavens to shake for your good, and His name’s glory.’ (D&C 21:6) President Harold B. Lee, General Conference, October 1970

our greater obligation...

It is not alone sufficient for us as Latter-day Saints to follow our leaders and to accept their counsel, but we have the greater obligation to gain for ourselves the unshakable testimony of the divine appointment of these men and the witness that what they have told us is the will of our Heavenly Father. President Harold B. Lee, General Conference, October 1950

creation and the Supreme Architect

The more I try to unravel the mysteries of the world we live in, the more I come to the conception of a single overruling power-----God. -Henry Eyring Sr.  When a load of bricks, dumped on a corner lot, can arrange themselves into a house; when a handful of springs and screws and wheels, emptied onto a desk, can gather themselves into a watch, then and not until then will it seem sensible, to some of us at least, to believe that all these thousands or millions of worlds could have been created, balanced and set to revolving in their separate orbits, all without any directing intelligence. -Bruce Barton If a clock proves the existence of a clockmaker, and the world does not prove the existence of a Supreme Architect, then I consent to be called a fool. -Voltaire I don’t believe scientists have discovered anything that God didn’t already know. -President Harold B. Lee