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if thou shalt ask...

If thou shalt ask, thou shalt receive revelation  upon revelation,  knowledge upon knowledge, that thou mayest know the mysteries  and  peaceable things—that which bringeth  joy , that which bringeth life eternal. D&C 42:61

the veil of mortality

There is a  veil  between man and eternal things; if that  veil  was taken away and we were able to see eternal things as they are before the Lord no man would be tried with regard to gold, silver or this world’s goods, and no man, on their account, would be unwilling to let the Lord control him. But here we have an agency, and we are in a probation, and there is a  veil  between us and eternal things, between us and our Heavenly Father and the spirit world; and this for a wise and proper purpose in the Lord our God, to prove whether the children of men will abide in his law or not in the situation in which they are placed here. Latter-day Saints, reflect upon these things. We have been willing, with every feeling of our hearts, that Joseph Smith , President Young and the leaders of the people should guide and direct us in regard to our eternal interests; and the blessings sealed upon us by their authority reach the other side of the  veil  and ar...

our greater obligation...

It is not alone sufficient for us as Latter-day Saints to follow our leaders and to accept their counsel, but we have the greater obligation to gain for ourselves the unshakable testimony of the divine appointment of these men and the witness that what they have told us is the will of our Heavenly Father. President Harold B. Lee, General Conference, October 1950

an indefensible position

Some members assume that one can be in full harmony with the spirit of the gospel, enjoy full fellowship in the Church, and at the same time be out of harmony with the leaders of the Church and the counsel and direction they give.  Such a position is wholly inconsistent, because the guidance of the Church comes not alone from the written word but also from continuous revelation, and the Lord gives that revelation to the Church through his chosen prophet.  It follows, therefore, that those who profess to accept the Gospel and who at the same time criticize and refuse to follow the counsel of the Prophet are assuming an indefensible position.  Such a spirit leads to apostasy. President Marion G. Romney, April 1983 General Conference

the world's hold on us (Maxwell)

As Jesus begins to have a real place in our lives, we are much less concerned with losing our places in the world.  When our minds really catch hold of the significance of the Atonement, the world's hold on us loosens. Elder Neal A. Maxwell, Ensign, November 1992, p. 67